"Beyond a creative vision, our role as an architect is to support you in all technical and practical aspects, to lend you our hand, and above all to give you your rightful place in the process. That of a partner."
Stéphane Chambat
Architect HES
Architect HES
Professional path
- Partner in the office of de Planta Architectes (2017)
- Collaborator at the office of de Planta et Portier Architectes (2007)
- Internship at the Architectures Guyard office in Collonges-sous-Salève, France (2006)
- Diploma of Master of Apprenticeship, Trainer of apprentices draftsman architect, Building (2017)
- HES-SO, Bachelor of Architecture (2007)
"Beyond a creative vision, our role as an architect is to support you in all technical and practical aspects, to lend you our hand, and above all to give you your rightful place in the process. That of a partner."